Book Review Bhagat Singh

6 Books On Bhagat Singh To Know Him And His Ideology

Everyone in India knows Bhagat Singh, and his status among Indians is of a revolutionary icon. However, most of the people have read briefly about him through textbooks or know about him through some movies. There are very few people who have actually read him and read about him. As a result most of us know him on a superficial level and don’t know about his ideology or what is stood and fought for.

Here are some books which will give you a perspective about Bhagat Singh as a person, as a revolutionary, as a leader and as a thinker.

All these books are very well researched by respective authors. Some of the authors have spent years researching on Bhagat Singh.

A Revolutionary History of Interwar India

A Revolutionary History of Interwar India by Kama Maclean

Kama Maclean is associate professor of South Asian and World History at UNSW in Sydney and editor of South Asia.

This book focuses on HSRA – Hindustan Socialist Republican Army and their revolutionary activities. It gives you a new perspective about the ideology and thinking of the revolutionary organisation and its leaders.

It dwells on political impact of the activities of HSRA and its north Indian revolutionaries and their approach on the use of political violence against the British. 

It is a scholarly and well researched book. Eeveryone who is interested in the freedom struggle, the role of revolutionaries and impact of leaders like Bhagat Singh on the revolution  and HSRA should read this one.

Bhagat Singh Reader compiled by Professor Chaman Lal

The Bhagat Singh Reader Edited by Chaman Lal

Professor Chaman Lal is retired from JNU and is now Honorary advisor to Bhagat Singh Archives and Resource Centre, Delhi Archives of Delhi Government.

This book is a collections of writings by Bhagat Singh edited by Professor Chaman Lal. The writings includes letters – personal and officials, telegrams and articles on various contemporary topics. It also includes his ideas about revolution, freedom and its meaning to the common man, his views on religion and politics. 

Going through his writings one will understand what a great thinker he was and that too at such a young age. He was much more than a mere revolutionary, he was a visionary.

This book is a must read for everyone who wants understand Bhagat Singh and his Ideology through his own writings.

Inquilab - Bhagat Singh on Religion and Revolution

Inquilab: Bhagat Singh on Religion & Revolution Edited by S Irfan Habib

S Irfan Habib is an Indian historian of science, a widely published author, and a public intellectual. He was a scientist at the National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi.

This book is a collections of writings by Bhagat Singh edited by S Irfan Habib.  He is currently appropriated as a nationalist Icon in the current political scenario,which he is, however he is much more than that. Not many know about his nationalist vision.

Inqualib – puts together Bhagat Singh’s writings on religion and revolution which presents his pluralist and egalitarian vision. As you read the book you get to know the intellectual side of Bhagat Singh and you will understand how important it is to kow him completely.

This is a fine book to read and understand Bhagat Singh the thinker and the intellectual.

Understanding Bhagat Singh by Chaman Lal

Understanding Bhagat Singh By Chaman Lal

Professor Chaman Lal is retired from JNU and is now Honorary advisor to Bhagat Singh Archives and Resource Centre, Delhi Archives of Delhi Government.

In the book the author presents a sketch of Bhagat Singh’s life. His ideologies, the HSRA, difference with Congress and Ghandhi ji and much more. The book also presents the trail of Bhagat Singh  and other revolutionaries and his eventual execution by the British.

The book is a good read to understand the various important events of Bhagat Singh’s life and how he became a national icon. You will know the various revolutionary activities carried out by HSRA.

To Make the Deaf Hear: Ideology and Programme of Bhagat Singh and His Comrades

To Make the Deaf Hear: Ideology and Programme of Bhagat Singh and His Comrades By S Irfan Habib

S Irfan Habib is an Indian historian of science, a widely published author, and a public intellectual. He was a scientist at the National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi.

This book talks about the organisation Bhagat Singh was associated, HSRA  and Naujawan Bharat Sabha. It talks about the evolution of Bhagat Singh as a prominenet revolutionary  and his leaning towards socialism.

Essays and short writings by Bhagat Singh are studied and included in the book in order to understand  him better. A well researched book focusing and bringing out the ideology of Bhagat Singh.

An excellent read for everyone who wants to understand Bhagat Singh the person and his thinking and ideology.

Without Fear - The LIfe and Trials of Bhagat Singh by Kuldeep Nayar

Without Fear - The LIfe and Trials of Bhagat Singh by Kuldeep Nayar

Kuldip Nayar was a noted journalist, author, diplomat and parliamentarian. He was a correspondent of The Times, London, for twenty-five years. He is the author of several books including Scoop! – Inside Stories from Partition to the Present, Between the Lines, Distant Neighbours, India After Nehru and India House.

This book primarily focuses on the trails of the revolutionaries, why a few of them betrayed Bhagat Singh and other revolutionaries. What all heppened during the trial period. How Bhagat Singh evolved as a leader and as a thinker.

It also captures the ideological difference with congress and Ghandi ji and puts into perspective the use of violence by the revolutionaries.

A must read if to enhance your understanding about Bhagat Singh and the trials the revolutionaries gone through. 

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