Arundhati Roy

Book Review My Seditious Heart

My Seditious Heart

My Seditious Heart is a collection of essays by Arundhati Roy written over the past two decades. The essays are on wide variety of subjects but the crux of all is social justice for the marginalized, calling out the governments for their flawed, unsustainable, and anti-people policies and a passionate appeal for humanity.

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Annihilation of Caste

Annihilation of Caste

Annihilation of Caste was a speech prepared by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to be delivered at a annual conference of Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal of Lahore. A Hindu reformist group which invited Dr. Ambedkar to deliver the presidential address and show a way forward to end the caste system. The speech was however was not delivered and later went on to became one of his most known work.

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