Man’s Search For Meaning
A memoir by Viktore Frankl of his sufferings in the Nazi concentration camps and how he endured all of it to come out and tell it to the world
A memoir by Viktore Frankl of his sufferings in the Nazi concentration camps and how he endured all of it to come out and tell it to the world
A collection of interviews, lectures and talks on Palestine and the ongoing war with Israel for its existence by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe.
A detailed historical account of the making and rise of Hitler leading to the bloody World War II and destruction of Europe, Russia and Japan.
A history of genesis of Palestine’s occupation of Israel and the struggle of Palestinian people for their land and right to exist with dignity.
Gaza Mama is a collection of personal blog and political articles by a journalist, born in Palestine.
Story of an IT guy deciding to move away from fast paced life and switching over to agriculture.
Moong over Microchips: Adventures of a Techie-Turned-Farmer Read More »
A collection of essays and speeches by Arundhati Roy in the last couple of years describing how India is moving towards totalitarianism and fascism.
Collection of essays and articles by Pieter Friedrich on RSS , BJP and their reach among the US diaspora and the impact of Hindu nationalism post 2014.
Saffron Fascists: India’s Hindu Nationalist Rulers Read More »
Shivaji was a great king of his time for many reasons, but today he is appropriated by Hindu groups and political parties and Hindutva icon. A fine read to understand who Shivaji really was as opposed what he is portrayed as.
लिहाफ़ – इस्मत चुगताई की कहानियों का संग्रह है। उनकी कहानियों के होकर आप उस दौर के सामाजिक परिवेश में महिलाओं की मनोदशा को समझ पाते हैं।